Illustrations for the booklet Chagall. Welt in Aufruhr for the Schirn-Bookclub, 2022
The Schirn-Bookclub was part of the supporting program for the exhibition Chagall. Welt in Aufruhr in the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.
In 3 chapters with texts by Marc Chagall, among others, themes of the exhibition, such as flight, migration, antisemitism and homeland, are taken up and deepened. The texts were discussed in the 3 sessions of the Schirn-Bookclub.
available at Schirn Shopgraphic design:
The Schirn-Bookclub was part of the supporting program for the exhibition Chagall. Welt in Aufruhr in the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.
In 3 chapters with texts by Marc Chagall, among others, themes of the exhibition, such as flight, migration, antisemitism and homeland, are taken up and deepened. The texts were discussed in the 3 sessions of the Schirn-Bookclub.